[LinuxPPS] kernel does not see PPS on serial port
lityi at sas.elte.hu
Fri Mar 7 12:13:20 CET 2008
> It seems that on IRQ 4 there are no drivers registered... strange...
> Look at my system:
> giometti at jeeg:~$ cat /proc/interrupts
> CPU0
> 0: 44169 XT-PIC-XT timer
> 1: 2 XT-PIC-XT i8042
> 2: 0 XT-PIC-XT cascade
> 4: 1 XT-PIC-XT serial
> 6: 3 XT-PIC-XT floppy
> 9: 0 XT-PIC-XT ohci_hcd:usb1
> 10: 809 XT-PIC-XT eth0
> 12: 4 XT-PIC-XT i8042
> 14: 3926 XT-PIC-XT ide0
> NMI: 0 Non-maskable interrupts
> LOC: 0 Local timer interrupts
> RES: 0 Rescheduling interrupts
> CAL: 0 function call interrupts
> TLB: 0 TLB shootdowns
> TRM: 0 Thermal event interrupts
> SPU: 0 Spurious interrupts
> ERR: 0
> MIS: 0
> as you can see I got "serial" on the last column.
You are right, this is funny... Though I have not find any specific module
missing, here are the serial port related modules:
8250 30628 0
serial_core 20352 1 8250
pps_core 12808 2 8250,serial_core
Dr. János Lichtenberger
Space Research Group,
Eötvös University,
Budapest, Pf 32 H-1518 Hungary
Tel: +36-1-372 2934
Fax: +36-1-372 2927
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