[LinuxPPS] Trimble Resolution SMT

Marc Leclerc marc_x at videotron.ca
Mon May 3 22:08:46 CEST 2010


I have just got my hardware which uses a trimble resolution SMT chip
wired to ttyS1 that I want to use with NTP. I have gotten the LinuxPPS
patch compiled in the kernel and have the /dev/pps0 device present. I
tried using the chip predecessor the palisade and the driver seems

associd=0 status=0032 , 3 events, clk_bad_format,
device="Trimble Palisade GPS", timecode=, poll=3, noreply=0,
baddata=0, fudgetime1=0.000, stratum=0, refid=GPS, flags=0

Could anyone point me to the proper place to get help making this work


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