Any idea why ntpq -p will return the remote names as follows?<br><br><div style="margin-left:40px"> GPS_NMEA(0)<br>*GPS_NMEA(0)<br>oGPS_NMEA(0)<br>xGPS_NMEA(0)<br><br>$ sudo ntpq -p<br> remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter<br>
==============================================================================<br>oGPS_NMEA(0) .GPS. 0 l 8 16 377 0.000 0.013 0.001<br></div><br><br>I noticed it will go from " " to "*" to "o" within a few minutes. Stay at "o" for 30min to an hour then get set to "x" and stay there until I reboot or restart ntp. I don't know what the "x" indicates, but I'm thinking it's not good. It appears to correlate with a spike in the offset and jitter. Any insight would be appreciated.<br>
<br>Thanks,<br><br>Nathan<br><br><br><br><span style="font-size:11pt;font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif""></span><br>